Grace, Gracious, Gratitude
Dec 05, 2018
Why is thankfulness so powerful?
In Dr. Masaru Emoto’s book The Hidden Messages from Water, the beauty of the vibration of gratitude is crystalline perfection. He tried to show that the way we treat ourselves mentally and emotionally has a profound effect on us physically.
80% of our body is made of water, and it carries vibration very well. It is a good conductor. The best, some might say. S,o what we think and feel affects our entire being. When we have feelings of gratitude, even the word creates this beautiful intricate frozen water crystal above.
When we are thankful for what we want, as if we already have it, it brings our desires to us. Believe and then see it.
So, I encourage you to think thoughts of gratitude. Start small or huge. Think of 5 things to be thankful for every night before sleep. Say “thank you” 100 times and get your gratitude attitude moving!
Do the MPower March, and when you do, hold your breath for 10 seconds and say thank you.
Living in gratitude brings you into alignment with love.
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