Dr. Tanya English


Quantum Healing International

Dr. Tanya English is a dynamic speaker and performer with over 30 years of experience inspiring transformation in both individuals and groups. A powerhouse in the realms of healing and music, she has captivated audiences with her trio and band for 15 years, blending soulful storytelling with her unique ability to ignite change.

Every engagement is a journey—Dr. Tanya doesn’t just speak or perform; she creates a space where healing, connection, and inspiration flow seamlessly.

Prepare to be moved, uplifted, and transformed.

Transformation awaits your audience


Schedule time with me

What does your group need? 

Signature Talks        These are experiential learning talks. Healing happens!

What is Quantum Healing

 It's not just a buzz word, it's the physics of living things. Learn how you can access it at will. Let experience be the teacher. 

3 Massive Mistakes Working Women Make That Keep Them Overwhelmed

When we learn where pitfalls are we can step over them and create the life we really want. 

How does grief lead to deeper healing?

Grief is universal. It is the imprint of where love has been. Experience how this heavy load can be lightened in real life. 

Healing with the Blues

Why is blues music a healer? Get ready for a story of love and death that brings joy and relief along with music that enriches the soul.

Listen On These Podcasts

"There is always treasure in tragedy. You must take action to find it." 

Let's Talk

about what I can do for your event

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