Quantum Healing
Do you feel safe to be who you really are?
Do you have all the support you need to move into the next phase of your life/work/purpose?
Do you know where you’re going, or are you wandering...
When a good idea comes along, take fast action! This is my new motto.
We can sit and mull things over and look at it from every angle. That’s called paralysis by analysis. And nothing...
So many people have a fear of saying “yes” to something for themselves. They come right up to their heart’s desire, and when it's time to take the step into “yes,”...
I just saw Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, and if you’re not familiar with it, it’s the story that happens where, at the end, the plan for the Death Star and its weakness is given to...
Why is thankfulness so powerful?
In Dr. Masaru Emoto’s book The Hidden Messages from Water, the beauty of the vibration of gratitude is crystalline perfection. He tried to show that the way...
How do you know you’ll be ok?
When we know something – whether it's a fact or a belief – how do we really know it?
Well, the short answer is we can’t. We can only...
The practice of yoga has been in my life off and on for 40 years. Currently, it’s on!
I found a great teacher who listens to my concerns and is used to working with older people. It’s...
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Spirit is the ocean, and we are the waves.
When one is seeking healing, we must get quiet to allow the still, small voice to occur to us as the breeze picks up...
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This year has seen much division and upset.
It’s a wonder that everyone isn’t feeling bereft and uncertain. I want to acknowledge that. I...